"What If" World War Two had only been the prelude to World War Three in ... 1945?
A Soviet propaganda poster from the world of MacArthur's Luck, in which the distinctions between Hitler's Germany and Truman's America have almost completely disappeared from Moscow's point of view. |
Captain Jackie Robinson leads George Patton's armored spearhead across the Rhine. ...
Major Barry Goldwater fire-bombs Tokyo for Curtis LeMay. ...
Commander Robert A. Heinlein struggles to save his ship after kamikazes strike. ...
Ronald Reagan leads an all-star cast including Anne Sheridan and Hazel Scott in Casablanca. ...
... and (bonus!) WAVE Lieutenant Virginia Gerstenfeld scores the intelligence coup of the decade!
Based on years of research, MacArthur's Luck constructs an entire alternate world that will captivate you with what might have been. ...
MacArthur's Luck, the first volume in The Fortunes of War, as available through Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo, iBooks by Apple, or Smashwords for the amazing price of $0.99, and soon to be available in an audio version through Audible.
When does " Stalin's Wager Part 2" come out?