War on the Cheap--now available on Amazon!
War on the Cheap is free if you've got Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime, and it's only $0.99 if you don't. Here's why you should check it out: It's easy enough to sign up with a mercenary company, but organizing one is an entirely different proposition. That's what Sub-Major Arras ak Winsen and her partner, Major Khom Khomarys, discover when they are abruptly dumped out of the Xinquess Reach Armed Forces (XRAF) during the massive demobilization after the indigenous, four-armed Xinqs toppled their Terran minority government. Arras had been an assassin in uniform, and she's a bit worried about what will happen when Xinq bureaucrats start using all four hands to go through the XRAF personnel records. Khom's a born staff officer with no patrons and no prospects. Both of them figure they'll do a lot better (and live a lot longer, even in combat) off-world. So they decide to create a mercenary outfit prepared to do all those...