For better or worse: World War Two as prologue to World War Three?

There's a lot of criticism of FDR's performance at Yalta--of him "giving away" Eastern Europe to the Soviets, condemning the world to a Cold War that eventually became a nuclear arms race, and essentially extending the life of the USSR for nearly another five decades when it might have been brought to its knees immediately after Nazi Germany collapsed. ...

MacArthur's Luck is about answering that question through fiction. Would could or would have happened had the relationship between the Anglo-Americans and the Soviet Union disintegrated just as Hitler's "thousand-year-Reich" bit the dust?

It's a very complex question, involving not only military operations in both Europe and Asia, but also the repercussions at home in the US, UK, Russia, Japan, and even Germany. What happens in America when war propaganda (like the poster above) has to turn on a dime and convert Stalin from ally to enemy? What happens when the troops don't start coming home in 1945?

Where does the first atomic bomb get dropped in this world (because, rest assured, that will happen)?

The challenge of alternative history is not just to be entertaining and tell a credible story, but to examine as seriously as possible the real "what ifs" of history.

Read MacArthur's Luck and get started on The Fortunes of War series to find out one answer to the question: did America win the war but lose the peace in 1945?
